
High frequency is the best facial for glowing skin and acne. You must have heard of various dermatologists talking about it. It is the most magical and safest formula for healthier and more radiant skin.

👉 A high-frequency facial is all about using a particular glass electrode filled with either argon or neon gas.

👉 High-frequency facial experts gently apply low electricity to your skin’s surface.

👉 They call it a high-frequency electrode, and it is used to treat skin issues and for its rejuvenation.

In High-frequency facials, the inert gas inside gets activated by the high-frequency current, giving rise to various wavelengths of light, each with its mission to tackle specific skin concerns.

Neon Gas:

  • Fight against ageing and promote cell renewal!
  • It boasts a warm orange hue and works wonders by targeting collagen production.
  • It leaves a youthful, plump skin you adore.

Argon Gas:

  • Treats an acne prone skin
  • This incredible violet gas goes straight for the acne-causing bacteria.
  • Argon leaves your skin clean and refreshed.
  • A good solution for the skin breakouts

Aftercare of a High-Frequency Facial

Aftercare of a High-Frequency Facial

Taking care of your skin is super important after the sitting of the best high-frequency facial. It brings the best results! Here’s what you need to do:

Safe Your Skin from the Sun : Your skin will feel sensitive, so avoid direct sun exposure for a few days after the facial.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized : Your skin might feel a bit dry, so moisturize regularly in the days following the facial.

What are the side effects of high-frequency facial side effects?

High-frequency facials are safe for all skin types. However, people with certain conditions should probably not use it:

Heart patients, Pregnant ladies, Skin patients using AHA products (it can even dry out their skin), Just after the Chemical Peels, and Telangiectasias.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which Skin high frequency suits the best?

  • It is best for every skin. There are direct frequency waves used to treat oily and acne-prone skin. In contrast, the indirect frequency is used to treat dry and mature skin.
  • It’s all thanks to the increased levels of collagen and elastin by the excellent neon gas. So, prepare to glow and embrace that radiant, rejuvenated look!

Q: Which Salon Provides the Best High-Frequency Facial Services in Tricity?

A: Chandigarh is the destination for various top-notch beauty services. RUAM Unisex Luxury Salon is the one-stop solution for every skin-related concern.

What is the high-frequency cost in Chandigarh?

A: It depends on your skin requirement and the salon’s services. At the same time, Ruam Luxury Salon offers customized rates. Our starting price for high-frequency facials is Rs 2500/- only.